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本科课程: 《钢铁冶金学I》、《钢铁绿色制造技术》、《铁矿石造块新技术》、《现代冶金工程设计与实践》
研究生课程: 《冶金资源高效利用》
科研方向: 冶金资源高效利用
[1] Kou M, Zhou H, Hong Z, et al. Numerical analysis of effects of different blast parameters on the gas and burden distribution characteristics inside blast furnace. ISIJ International, 2020, 60(5): 856-864.
[2] Static Model Study on the Characteristics of Coke Oven Gas dome injection in COREX melter gasifier. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 2020, 65(1): 275-281.
[3] Kou M, Zhou H, Wu S, et al. DEM simulation of cubical particle percolation in a packed bed. Powder Technology, 2020, 361: 306-314.
[4] Kou M, Zuo H, Ning X, et al. Thermogravimetric study on gasification kinetics of hydropyrolysis char derived from low rank coal. Energy, 2019, 188: 116030.
[5] Kou M, Zhou H, Wang L, et al. Numerical simulation of effects of different operational parameters on the carbon solution loss ratio of coke inside blast furnace. Processes 2019, 7: 528.
[6] Kou M, Xu J, Wu S, et al. Effect of cross-section shape of rotating chute on particle movement and distribution at the throat of a bell-less top blast furnace. Particuology, 2019, 44: 194-206.
[7] Kou M, Yao S, Wu S, et al. Effects of blast furnace main trough geometry on the slag‐metal separation based on numerical simulation. Steel Research International, 2019, 90(2): 1800383.
[8] Kou M, Li H, Wu S, et al. Study on the sintering melting characteristics of Meishan concentrate and its influencing factors. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2019, 46(2): 199-205.
[9] 寇明银,吴胜利,周恒,等. 高炉DEM模拟用炉料系数的测定及其应用,钢铁,2018, 53(12): 30-36.
[10] Kou M, Wu S, Zhou H, et al. Numerical Investigation of coke collapse and size segregation in the bell-less top blast furnace. ISIJ International, 2018, 58(11):2018-2024.
[11] Kou M, Wu S, He Z, et al. Optimization of rotating chute shape in blast furnace based on DEM. 8th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking, Vienna, Austria, 2018.
[12] Kou M, Xu J, Zhou H, et al. Effects of bottom base shapes on burden profiles and burden size distributions in the upper part of a COREX shaft furnace based on DEM. Advanced Powder Technology, 2018, 29(4): 1014-1024
[13] Kou M, Wu S, Ma X, et al. Phase equilibrium studies of CaO-SiO2-MgO-Al2O3 system with binary basicity of 1.5 related to blast furnace slag[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2016, 47(2): 1093-1102.
[14] Kou M, Wang L, Xu J, et al. Low CO2 emission by improving CO utilization ratio in China’s blast furnaces. Ironmaking and Steelmaking Processes, 2016: 199-212, Springer International Publishing, 199-212.
[15] Kou M, Wu S, Wang G, et al. Numerical simulation of burden and gas distributions inside COREX shaft furnace. Steel Research International, 2015, 86(6): 686-694.
[16] Kou M, Wu S, Du K, et al. The effect of operational parameters on the characteristics of gas–solid flow inside the COREX shaft furnace[J]. JOM, 2015, 67(2): 459-466.