  • 姓        名:罗晋如
  • 职        务:特聘教授
  • 电子邮件: luojinru@ustb.edu.cn
  • 办公电话: 18701067918                     办公地点:419/502

  • 本科课程: 

  • 研究生课程: 

  • 科研方向: 新能源用特殊钢与铁基高熵合金、深海钛合金的微结构调控与成分工艺开发;

  • 基于先进光源与中子技术的无损检测技术研发;

  • 社会兼职:中国电子背散射衍射专业学术委员会委员

  • 个人简介
  • 成就及业绩
  • 简历:

    2024.10至今 北京科技大学 冶金生态与工程学院 特聘教授

    2023.052024.09 苏州实验室 副研究员

    2017.022023.04 中国工程物理研究院材料研究所 副研究员

    2013.122017.04 北京科技大学新金属材料国家重点实验室 博士后

    2012.092013.10 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学材料工程系&乔克河实验室中子中心 博士后

    2012.072013.11 哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学与工程学院 讲师

    2006.09-2012.07 清华大学 材料科学与工程系 工学博士

    2002.092006.07 北京科技大学 材料科学与工程系 工学学士


    [1] Z.W. Geng, J.L. Liu, D. Dan, X.L. Li, Z.L. Shu, J.Q. Zhang, C. Chen*, J.R. Luo*, M. Song, R.D. Li, K.C. Zhou, Achieving high ductility in Fe45Mn35Co10Cr10 metastable high entropy alloy by constructing chemical boundary with stacking fault energy heterogeneity, Materials Science and Engineering: A 913 (2024) 147019

    [2] S.S. Wu, Z.D. Kou*, S. Tang, S. Lan, Q.Q, Lai, J.J. Wang, J.R. Luo*, X. F. Xie, R. Huang, G.Y. Zheng, W. Gerhard, T. Feng, Unveiling the correlation between anomalous hardening and grain boundary diffusional transformation in ω single-phase nano-grained Ti-Fe alloy, Journal of Materials Science and Technology 203 (2024) 099

    [3] L. Deng, R.X. Li, J.R. Luo*, S.L. Li, X.F. Xie, S.S. Wu, W.R. Zhang, P.K. Liaw, E.A. Korznikova, Y. Zhang*, Plastic deformation and strengthening mechanism in CoNiV medium-entropy alloy fiber, International Journal of Plasticity 175 (2024) 103929

    [4] Z.W. Geng, C. Chen*, M. Song*, J.R. Luo*, J.X. Chen, R.D. Li, K.C. Zhou, High strength Al0.7CoCrFeNi2.4 hypereutectic high entropy alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion via triple-nanoprecipitation, Journal of Materials Science and Technology 187 (2024) 141-155

    [5] K. Xu, L. Zhang, C.Y. Bai, Jian Tu*, J.R. Luo*, Machine learning aided process design of Fe-Cr-Ni-Al/Ti multi-principal element alloys for excellent mechanical properties, Computational Materials Science 232 (2024) 112660.

    [6] Z.W. Geng, Z.L. Shu, C. Chen*, J.R. Luo*, M. Song, R.D. Li, K.C. Zhou, Co-existence of nanoprecipitates with solute nitrogen evades the strength-ductility trade-off in metastable high entropy alloy, Materials Research Letters 12(6) (2024) 433-441

    [7] 耿赵文, 李湘龙, 柏春燕, 罗晋如*, 宋淼, 陈超*, 周科朝, 间隙强化FeMnCoCr亚稳高熵合金及其低温/临氢服役性能研究进展, 中国有色金属学报 34 (2024) 422-442

    [8] L. Deng, J.R. Luo*, J. Tu, R. Hu*, N. Guo, W.Y. Zeng, C.H. Wang, P. He, Y. Zhang*, Achieving excellent mechanical properties of ODS steel by Y2O3 addition, Materials Science and Engineering: A 872 (2023) 145008.

    [9] K. Xu, J.H. An, L. Zhang, C.Y. Bai, J. Tu*, J.R. Luo*, Composition optimization of cobalt-free Fe-Cr-Ni-Al/Ti multi-principal element alloys for strength-ductility trade-off based on machine learning, Materials Today Communications 36 (2023) 106498.

    [10] W.X. Li, B. Luo, H.T. Huang*, Y. Liu, W. Wang, J.R. Luo*, B.Q. Fu*, A comparative study of deuterium permeation behaviors of CoCrMnFeNi and AlCoCrFeNi high entropy alloys, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (2023) 19657-19665

    [11] Y. Y. Wang, L.J. Chai*, F.L Zhang, L. Qi, J.R. Luo*, H. Wang, Y.Q. Li, X.G. An, Laser-clad Al-Ti-Zr and Cr-Ti-Zr coatings on Zr alloy: composition-induced microstructural and hardness differences. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 109 (2022) 105956

    [12] Y.L. Gu, M.L. Yi, Y. Chen, J. Tu*, Z.M. Zhou, J.R. Luo*, Effect of the amount of SiC particles on the microstructure, mechanical and wear properties of FeMnCoCr high entropy alloy composites, Materials Characterization 193 (2022) 112300

    [13] Z.W. Geng, C. Chen*, R.D. Li, J.R. Luo*, K.C. Zhou, Composition inhomogeneity reduces cracking susceptibility in additively manufactured AlCoCrFeNi2.1 eutectic high-entropy alloy produced by laser powder bed fusion, Additive Manufacturing 56 (2022) 102941

    [14] L. Deng, C.H. Wang, J.R. Luo*, J. Tu, N. Guo*, H.Y. Xu, P. He,S.Q. Xia, Z.W. Yao, Preparation and property optimization of FeCrAl-based ODS alloy by machine learning combined with wedge-shaped hot-rolling, Materials Characterization 188 (2022) 111894

    [15] X. Hu, L.J. Chai*, J. Shen, H. Wu, Y.Q. Li, J. Cheng, J.R. Luo*, L. Yao*, Microstructure, Texture, and Hardness Evolution of Cold-Rolled High-Purity Ti Sheet During Annealing at 350°C to 550°C, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 53 (2022) 2086-8098

    [16] J. Tu, K. Xu, Y. Liu, J.R. Luo*, Z.M. Zhou, L.P. Ding*, Characterization of deformation substructure evolution in metastable Fe49Mn30Co10Cr10B1 interstitial high entropy alloy, Intermetallics 144 (2022) 107508

    [17] C.H. Wang, Y. Liu, J.R. Luo*, S.K. Zheng, J. Tu, H.Y. Xu, H. Huang, J.M. Chen*, P.H. Wang*, Deformation substructure development in AlXCoCrFeNi (X = 0, 0.3) high entropy alloy under different influencing factors, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 893 (2022) 162196