  • 姓        名:焦璐璐
  • 职        务:特聘副教授
  • 电子邮件: lulu.jiao@ustb.edu.cn









1. BHP-Baowu-Monash低碳冶金知识中心 秘书

2. 《炼铁》杂志第一届青年编委

  • 个人简介
  • 成就及业绩
  • 简历:



    20209月-20221月:Research Fellow、蒙纳士大学苏州校区

    20166月-20209月:博士,化学工程,澳大利亚蒙纳士大学,导师: 余艾冰 院士

    20139月-20161月:硕士,动力工程及工程热物理,北京科技大学,导师: 刘应书 教授



    1. L. L. Jiao, S. B. Kuang*, A. B. Yu, Y. T. Li, X. M. Mao, H. Xu, Three-dimensional modeling of an ironmaking blast furnace with a layered cohesive zone, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 51 (2020) 258-75.

    2. L. L. Jiao, S. B. Kuang*, L. L. Liu, A. B. Yu*, Y. T. Li, X. M. Mao, H. Xu, CFD modeling and analysis of particle size reduction and its effect on blast furnace ironmaking, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 52 (2021) 138-55.

    3. L. L. Jiao, S. B. Kuang*, Y. T. Li, X. M. Mao, H. Xu, A. B. Yu*. Numerical simulation of 3D asymmetric inner states of an ironmaking blast furnace resulting from tuyere closure, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 52 (2021) 2642–58.

    4. L. L. Jiao*, S. B. Kuang, Y. T. Li, X. M. Mao, H. Xu, A. B. Yu*. Numerical simulation of the 3D asymmetric inner states of an ironmaking blast furnace resulting from circumferential non-uniform burden distribution. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 54 (2023) 734-55.

    5. L. L. Jiao*, H. Q. Nie, S. B. Kuang, J. J. Li, A. B. Yu*. Numerical simulation and analysis of oxygen blast furnace under different injection conditions. Fuel 369 (2024) 131726.

    6. L. L. Jiao*, X. Y. Zhang, S. B. Kuang, A. B. Yu*. Numerical investigation of particle size on the performance of ironmaking blast furnace. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 55 (2024) 3387-406.

    7. J. J. Li, L. L. Jiao*, S. B. Kuang, R. P. Zou, W. Q. Zhong, A. B. Yu*. Numerical investigation of the coupled effect of H/D ratio and effective volume on optimized blast furnace profile. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 55 (2024) 3825-47.

    8. X. Y. Zhang, L. L. Jiao*, J. J. Li, S. B. Kuang, A. B. Yu. Numerical investigation of the inner profiles in ironmaking blast furnace: effect of the ratio of belly diameter to effective height. Steel Research International 95 (2024) 202300420.

    9. W. B. Wu, S. B. Kuang*, L. L. Jiao, A. B. Yu. A machine learning model for quickly predicting the inner states of ironmaking blast furnaces, Powder Technology 445 (2024) 120137.

    10. J. J. Li, S. D. Liu*, L. L. Jiao, Z. Y. Zhou, R. P. Zou, A. B. Yu, L. C. Zhang, Z. Y. Li*, Impact of chute cross-sectional shape on the ironmaking blast furnace performance: A numerical investigation, Powder Technology 434 (2024) 119303.

    11. L. L. Liu, S. B. Kuang*, L. L. Jiao, B. Y. Guo, A. B. Yu*. Optimization of pulverized coal injection (PCI) rate in an ironmaking blast furnace by an integrated process model. Fuel 315 (2022): 122832.

    12. H. Q. Nie, A. B. Yu*, L. L. Jiao, X. M. Mao, H. F. Xu, S. B. Kuang*. Numerical investigation of shaft gas injection operation in oxygen-enriched ironmaking blast furnace. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 53 (2022) 2712-34.

    13. J. Li, S. B. Kuang*, L. L. Jiao, L. L. Liu, R. P. Zou, A. B. Yu. Numerical modeling and analysis of hydrogen blast furnace ironmaking process. Fuel 323 (2022): 124368.