办公电话: 传 真:
本科课程: 有色金属冶金学、高纯金属冶金方法
研究生课程: 高纯金属提取与应用、新材料制备与合成
科研方向: 1)重金属污染与生物吸附方法治理研究;
3) 金属纳米粉体材料的可控制备及工程放大研究。
长期以来一直从事重金属污染治理新方法、城市矿山的清洁提取新工艺、纳米功能材料的可控制备研究,在环境治理、资源循环、纳米材料方面取得了若干创新性成果,相关结果发表在 Chem Eng J、ACS Sustain Chem Eng、Chem Eng Sci、Sep Purif Technol、J Cryst Growth、Environ Sci Pollut R、J Mater Cycles Waste、T Nonferr Metal Soc等杂志,并在TMS及全国有色金属冶金会议、环境会议上发表论文多篇。承担有色金属冶金学、高纯金属冶金方法、高纯金属提取与应用、新材料制备与合成等本科生与研究生课程。任TMS学会会员及多家学术期刊审稿人。主持或参加国家级、省部级及企业项目10余项,发表期刊论文90余篇,授权国家发明专利25项。
[1] Suning Liu, Kai Huang*, Hongmin Zhu. Source of boron and phosphorus impurities in the silicon wiresawing slurry and their removal by acid leaching. Separation and Purification Technology, 172(1) 2017:113-118.
[2] Chen Zhuodi, Huang Kai*, Jiang Bo, et al. Flotation behaviour of Ti2CO from simulated carbon-thermal reduced titanium ores by oleic acid. Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy Imm Transactions, 126(3)2017: 1-6.
[3] Suning Liu, Kai Huang*, Hongmin Zhu. Removal of Fe, B and P impurities by enhanced separation technique from silicon-rich powder of the multi-wire sawing slurry. Chemical Engineering Journal,299(1)2016:276-281.
[4] Gu jiteng, Huang Kai*, Fang Keming, et al. Characterization of the interior structure of synthetic diamond particles. Journal of Crystal Growth, 451(1)2016: 165-169.
[5] Gu Jiteng, Huang Kai*. Role of cobalt of polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) in drilling process. Diamond and Related Materials, 66,2016:98-101.
[6] Wu Jinyu, Huang Kai*. Precipitation of flaky moolooite and its thermal decomposition. International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, 23 (8)2016:976-980.
[7] Li Jichao, Huang Kai*, Zhu Hongmin. Phase separation of a microsized powder mixture of Si and SiC by Cu–Si alloying. Chemical Engineering Science, 127(4)2015: 25-30.
[8] Kai Huang*, Yifan Xiu, Hongmin Zhu. Removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution by crosslinked mangosteen peel biosorbent. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 12(8)2015:1-8.
[9] Kai Huang*, Yifan Xiu, Hongmin Zhu. Removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solution by chemically modified mangosteen pericarp. Desalination and Water Treatment, 52(37-39),2014: 7108-7116.
[10] Kai Huang*, Yifan Xiu, Hongmin Zhu. Selective removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution by adsorption on mangosteen peel. Environment Science and Pollution Research, 20(9)2013: 5930-5938.
[11] Kai Huang*, Hongmin Zhu. Removal of Pb(II) from aqueous solution by adsorption on chemically modified muskmelon peel. Environment Science and Pollution Research, 20(7)2013: 4424-4434.
[12] 刘苏宁,黄凯*,朱鸿民. 多晶硅线切割废料中硅粉的回收提纯技术进展.有色金属工程,7(1)2017:9-13.
[13] 黄凯,修祎帆,郭占成等. 高磷铁矿脱磷技术现状及磷资源化提取新方法. 钢铁,51(10)2016:1-5.
[14] 黄凯,刘俊友,黄瑛等. 电镀废水无渣化净化处理新技术. 金属世界,5,2015:77-80.